Electrodermal activity in bipolar disorder: Differences between mood episodes and clinical remission using a wearable device in a real-world clinical setting


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Background: Bipolar disorder (BD) lacks objective measures for illness activity and treatment response. Electrodermal activity (EDA) is a quantitative measure of autonomic function, which is altered in manic and depressive episodes. We aimed to explore differences in EDA (1) inter-individually: between patients with BD on acute mood episodes, euthymic states and healthy controls (HC), and (2) intraindividually: longitudinally within patients during acute mood episodes of BD and after clinical remission.Methods: A longitudinal observational study. EDA was recorded using a research-grade wearable in patients with BD during acute manic and depressive episodes and at clinical remission. Euthymic BD patients and HC were recorded during a single session. We compared EDA parameters derived from the tonic (mean EDA, mEDA) and phasic components (EDA peaks per minute, pmEDA, and EDA peaks mean amplitude, pmaEDA). Inter- and intraindividual comparisons were computed respectively with ANOVA and paired t-tests.Results: 49 patients with BD (15 manic, 9 depressed, and 25 euthymic), and 19 HC were included. Patients with bipolar depression showed significantly reduced mEDA (p = 0.003) and pmEDA (p = 0.001), which increased to levels similar to euthymia or HC after clinical remission (mEDA, p = 0.011; pmEDA, p < 0.001; pmaEDA, p <0.001). Manic patients showed no differences compared to euthymic patients and HCs, but a significant reduction of tonic and phasic EDA parameters after clinical remission (mEDA, p = 0.035; pmEDA, p =0.004). Limitations: Limited sample size, high inter-individual variability of EDA parameters, limited comparability to previous studies and non-adjustment for medication.Conclusion: EDA ecological monitoring might provide several opportunities for early detection of depressive symptoms, and might aid at assessing early response to treatments in mania and bipolar depression.
Electrodermal activity,Bipolar disorder,Depression,Mania,Biomarker,Treatment response
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