LeTFuser: Light-weight End-to-end Transformer-Based Sensor Fusion for Autonomous Driving with Multi-Task Learning


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In end-to-end autonomous driving, the utilization of existing sensor fusion techniques for imitation learning proves inadequate in challenging situations that involve numerous dynamic agents. To address this issue, we introduce LeTFuser, a transformer-based algorithm for fusing multiple RGB-D camera representations. To perform perception and control tasks simultaneously, we utilize multi-task learning. Our model comprises of two modules, the first being the perception module that is responsible for encoding the observation data obtained from the RGB-D cameras. It carries out tasks such as semantic segmentation, semantic depth cloud mapping (SDC), and traffic light state recognition. Our approach employs the Convolutional vision Transformer (CvT) \cite{wu2021cvt} to better extract and fuse features from multiple RGB cameras due to local and global feature extraction capability of convolution and transformer modules, respectively. Following this, the control module undertakes the decoding of the encoded characteristics together with supplementary data, comprising a rough simulator for static and dynamic environments, as well as various measurements, in order to anticipate the waypoints associated with a latent feature space. We use two methods to process these outputs and generate the vehicular controls (e.g. steering, throttle, and brake) levels. The first method uses a PID algorithm to follow the waypoints on the fly, whereas the second one directly predicts the control policy using the measurement features and environmental state. We evaluate the model and conduct a comparative analysis with recent models on the CARLA simulator using various scenarios, ranging from normal to adversarial conditions, to simulate real-world scenarios. Our code is available at \url{https://github.com/pagand/e2etransfuser/tree/cvpr-w} to facilitate future studies.
sensor fusion,autonomous driving,light-weight,end-to-end,transformer-based,multi-task
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