Thyroidkeeper: a healthcare management system for patients with thyroid diseases

Health information science and systems(2023)

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Thyroid diseases, especially thyroid tumors, have a huge population in China. The postoperative patients, under China’s incomplete tertiary diagnosis and treatment system, will frequently go to tertiary hospitals for follow-up and medication adjustment, resulting in heavy burdens on both specialists and patients. To help postoperative patients recover better against the above adverse conditions, a novel mobile application ThyroidKeeper is proposed as a collaborative AI-based platform that benefits both patients and doctors. In addition to routine health records and management functions, ThyroidKeeper has achieved several innovative points. First, it can automatically adjust medication dosage for patients during their rehabilitation based on their medical history, laboratory indicators, physical health status, and current medication. Second, it can comprehensively predict the possible complications based on the patient’s health status and the health status of similar groups utilizing graph neural networks. Finally, the employing of graph neural network models can improve the efficiency of online communication between doctors and patients, help doctors obtain medical information for patients more quickly and precisely, and make more accurate diagnoses. The preliminary evaluation in both laboratory and real-world environments shows the advantages of the proposed ThyroidKeeper system.
Health informatics,Graph neural networks,Thyroid diseases,Healthcare management
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