Thermal annealing effect on D retention for damaged W-10%Re alloy

Fusion Engineering and Design(2023)

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The deuterium (D) retention for 1 dpa Fe ion damaged W-10%Re with dynamic-annealing or post-annealing was investigated by TDS. Major D2 desorption was observed at temperatures of 400, 650 and 850 K for 1 dpa damaged W-10%Re without annealing (room temperature). By dynamic-annealing above 573 K, the D2 desorption stage at 850 K was clearly eliminated. On the other hand, it was found that post-annealing at a higher temperature of 1173 K was required to annihilate this desorption stage. This indicates that the D desorption from the irradiation defects introduced at room temperature (post-annealing) needs higher annealing temperature compared to the dynamic-annealing. The D retention for dynamic-annealed sample was reduced by the recovery of D trapping sites by annealing.
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Tungsten-10%Rhenium alloy,Dynamic-annealing,Post-annealing,Fe ion irradiation,TDS
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