Urban inundation forecasting based on hydraulic models coupling MIKE Flood and MIKE Urban: A case study of Tam Ky City, Vietnam


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Abstract Urban inundation has become a growing concern for many coastal cities around the world. Tam Ky City, located downstream of Ban Thach and Tam Ky rivers in central Vietnam, is no exception. According to annual statistics, the city frequently experiences heavy rainfall from tropical storms and monsoons, making inundation a recurring issue. In response to this challenge, this study developed a flood forecasting model specifically tailored for Tam Ky City, based on forecast rainfall and tidal levels. A key strength of the flood forecasting model lies in its integration of rainfall‐runoff processes, effectively connecting the river basin and the city. To ensure the model's accuracy and reliability, the parameters of the flood forecasting model were meticulously calibrated and verified for floods occurred on rivers as well as in urban areas. An experimental flood forecast was performed during Typhoon Nuru on September 28, 2022, and the forecast results of inundation locations and depths in the city well reflected the actual observations.
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Key words
inundation forecasting,MIKE Flood,MIKE Urban,Tam Ky City
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