Time-dependent density-functional-theory calculations of the nonlocal electron stopping range for inertial confinement fusion applications

K. A. Nichols,S. X. Hu,A. J. White, V. N. Goncharov, D. I. Mihaylov, L. A. Collins,N. R. Shaffer,V. V. Karasiev

Physical review. E(2023)

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Nonlocal electron transport is important for understanding laser-target coupling for laser-direct-drive (LDD) inertial confinement fusion (ICF) simulations. Current models for the nonlocal electron mean free path in radiation-hydrodynamic codes are based on plasma-physics models developed decades ago; improvements are needed to accurately predict the electron conduction in LDD simulations of ICF target implosions. We utilized time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) to calculate the electron stopping power (SP) in the so-called conduction-zone plasmas of polystyrene in a wide range of densities and temperatures relevant to LDD. Compared with the modified Lee-More model, the TD-DFT calculations indicated a lower SP and a higher stopping range for nonlocal electrons. We fit these electron SP calculations to obtain a global analytical model for the electron stopping range as a function of plasma conditions and the nonlocal electron kinetic energy. This model was implemented in the one-dimensional radiation-hydrodynamic code LILAC to perform simulations of LDD ICF implosions, which are further compared with simulations by the standard modified Lee-More model. Results from these integrated simulations are discussed in terms of the implications of this TD-DFT-based mean-free-path model to ICF simulations.
inertial confinement fusion applications,nonlocal electron,time-dependent,density-functional-theory
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