Unleashing the Power of Clippy in Real-World Rust Projects

Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE/ACM 46th International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceedings(2023)

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Clippy lints are considered as essential tools for Rust developers, as they can be configured as gate-keeping rules for a Rust project during continuous integration. Despite their availability, little was known about practical application and cost-effectiveness of the lints in reducing code quality issues. In this study, we embark on a comprehensive analysis to unveil the true impact of Clippy lints in the Rust development landscape. The study is structured around three interrelated components, each contributing to the overall effectiveness of Clippy. Firstly, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of Clippy lints in all idiomatic crates-io Rust projects with an average warning density of 21/KLOC. The analysis identifies the most cost-effective lint fixes, offering valuable opportunities for optimizing code quality. Secondly, we actively engage Rust developers through a user survey to garner invaluable feedback on their experiences with Clippy. User insights shed light on two crucial concerns: the prevalence of false positives in warnings and the need for auto-fix support for most warnings. Thirdly, building upon these findings, we engineer three innovative automated refactoring techniques to effectively fix the four most frequent Clippy lints. As a result, the warning density in Rosetta benchmarks has significantly decreased from 195/KLOC to an impressive 18/KLOC, already lower than the average density of the crates-io Rust projects. These results demonstrate tangible benefit and impact of our efforts in enhancing the overall code quality and maintainability for Rust developers.
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Best Practices,US Survey,Effectiveness Of Warnings
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