Edge modes and symmetry-protected topological states in open quantum systems

arXiv (Cornell University)(2023)

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Topological order offers possibilities for processing quantum information which can be immune to imperfections. However, the question of its stability out of equilibrium is relevant for experiments, where coupling to an environment is unavoidable. In this work we demonstrate the robustness of certain aspects of $Z_2 \times Z_2$ symmetry-protected topological (SPT) order against a wide class of dissipation channels in the Lindblad and quantum trajectory formalisms of an open quantum system. This is illustrated using the one-dimensional $ZXZ$ cluster Hamiltonian along with Pauli-string jump operators. We show that certain choices of dissipation retaining strong symmetries support a steady-state manifold consisting of two non-local logical qubits, and for Hamiltonian perturbations preserving the global symmetry, the manifold remains long-lived. In contrast, this metastability is destroyed upon breaking the above-mentioned symmetry. While the localized edge qubits of the cluster Hamiltonian are not conserved by the Lindbladian evolution, they do correspond to weak symmetries and thus retain a memory of their initial state at all times in the quantum trajectories. We utilize this feature to construct protocols to retrieve the quantum information either by monitoring jumps or error mitigation. Our work thus proposes a novel framework to study the dynamics of dissipative SPT phases and opens the possibility of engineering entangled states relevant to quantum information processing.
topological states,open quantum,edge modes,symmetry-protected
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