Visualization enhancement of saliency methods based on the sliding window mechanism

Xiaohong Xiang, Fuyuan Zhang,Xin Deng, Xiaoyu Ding

ECAI 2023(2023)

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Deep neural networks are widely used in image classification tasks, but their internal decision-making mechanisms are often difficult to explain. While various algorithms have been developed to visualize these mechanisms, many of them produce coarse, noisy results that are not always convincing. To address this issue, we propose a method for enhancing saliency maps produced by saliency methods. Our method uses a fixed-size sliding window to upsample local regions of the input image and feed them into the selected visualization algorithm to generate class-specific saliency maps and probability scores. We then downsample the resulting saliency maps and multiply them by the probability scores to obtain maps with greater detail. We evaluate our method using different saliency methods and network architectures, and demonstrate its effectiveness through both quantitative metrics and intuitive evaluation. Our results show that our method significantly improves the performance of these saliency methods, providing a more valid and reliable means of visualizing the decision mechanisms of deep neural networks.
saliency methods,window
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