
Precision and Accuracy of Radiological Bone Age Assessment in Children among Different Ethnic Groups: A Systematic Review

Sebastian Eustaquio Martin Perez,Isidro Miguel Martin Perez, Jesus Maria Vega Gonzalez, Ruth Molina Suarez, Coromoto Leon Hernandez,Fidel Rodriguez Hernandez, Mario Herrera Perez


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Aim: The aim was to identify, evaluate, and summarize the findings of relevant individual studies on the precision and accuracy of radiological BA assessment procedures among children from different ethnic groups. Materials and Methods: A qualitative systematic review was carried out following the MOOSE statement and previously registered in PROSPERO (CRD42023449512). A search was performed in MEDLINE (PubMed) (n = 561), the Cochrane Library (n = 261), CINAHL (n = 103), Web of Science (WOS) (n = 181), and institutional repositories (n = 37) using MeSH and free terms combined with the Booleans "AND" and "OR". NOS and ROBINS-E were used to assess the methodological quality and the risk of bias of the included studies, respectively. Results: A total of 51 articles (n = 20,100) on radiological BA assessment procedures were precise in terms of intra-observer and inter-observer reliability for all ethnic groups. In Caucasian and Hispanic children, the Greulich-Pyle Atlas (GPA) was accurate at all ages, but in youths, Tanner-Whitehouse radius-ulna-short bones 3 (TW3-RUS) could be an alternative. In Asian and Arab subjects, GPA and Tanner-Whitehouse 3 (TW3) overestimated the BA in adolescents near adulthood. In African youths, GPA overestimated the BA while TW3 was more accurate. Conclusion: GPA and TW3 radiological BA assessment procedures are both precise but their accuracy in estimating CA among children of different ethnic groups can be altered by racial bias.
diagnostic imaging,radiography,age determination by skeleton,racial group,children
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