3D Heisenberg universality in the Van der Waals antiferromagnet NiPS$_3$

arXiv (Cornell University)(2023)

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Van der Waals (vdW) magnetic materials are comprised of layers of atomically thin sheets, making them ideal platforms for studying magnetism at the two-dimensional (2D) limit. These materials are at the center of a host of novel types of experiments, however, there are notably few pathways to directly probe their magnetic structure. We report the magnetic order within a single crystal of NiPS$_3$ and show it can be accessed with resonant elastic X-ray diffraction along the edge of the vdW planes in a carefully grown crystal by detecting structurally forbidden resonant magnetic X-ray scattering. We find the magnetic order parameter has a critical exponent of $\beta\sim0.36$, indicating that the magnetism of these vdW crystals is more adequately characterized by the three-dimensional (3D) Heisenberg universality class. We verify these findings with first-principle density functional theory, Monte-Carlo simulations, and density matrix renormalization group calculations.
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3d heisenberg universality
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