Development and Research of a Quantum Control System for the Computational Process and the Execution of Algorithms

2023 International Russian Automation Conference (RusAutoCon)(2023)

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Currently, the theory of quantum computing is actively developing. Despite the fact that a quantum computer has some features, any algorithm designed for a classical computer can be implemented for a quantum one. The relevance of the topic of quantum computers is confirmed by the fact that even now banking systems, cryptography and encryption of information require enormous resources of computing systems, these are just some examples, but the most important and vivid ones that relate to the everyday life of a huge part of the world's population. A hardware computing core has been developed and simulated, which is the main part of an accelerator based on field-programmable gate array with computer aided design Altera Quartus. Considering the obtained time dependence of the number of cycles required for the impact of a single-qubit quantum gate on a quantum register on the number of qubits and parallel arithmetic logic units in the hardware computing core, when simulating quantum computing, a method was developed to determine the increase in hardware performance and ways to improve the performance of an accelerator based on a hardware computing core were developed. based on field-programmable gate array.
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