Focal nodular hyperplasia-like nodules arising in the setting of hepatic vascular disorders with portosystemic shunting show -catenin activation

Human Pathology(2023)

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Hepatocellular nodules can develop in the setting of chronic hepatic vascular disorders including those char-acterized by portosystemic shunts such as Abernethy malformation and post-Fontan procedure. The nodules can range from benign lesions such as regenerative nodules, focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH), and hepatocellular adenoma (HCA) to malignant neoplasms such as hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In many instances, these nodules are difficult to place into well-defined categories based on radiologic or histologic features. Nodular lesions that resemble FNH are common in this context and have been described as FNH-like nodules, the nature of which is not well-established. This study examines 6 liver resections from patients with vascular disease characterized by portosystemic shunts. A wide range of nodules were present in these cases, including regen-erative nodules (n = 2), FNH and FNH-like (n = 30), HCA (n = 10), HCA-like (n = 13), and HCC (n = 2). Six nodules from 3 patients were categorized as FNH-like due to one or more features such as nodular architecture, fibrous septa, and ductular reaction, but lack of typical map-like glutamine synthetase (GS) staining. Further characterization of these 6 FNH-like nodules showed diffuse GS staining in all nodules (3 diffuse homogeneous, 3 diffuse heterogeneous). Targeted next-generation sequencing identified CTNNB1 alterations in all tested FNH-like nodules (n = 4). These results indicate that FNH-like nodules in the setting of chronic hepatic vascular disorders can be neoplastic. Since the presence of beta-catenin activation portends a potential risk for malignant progression, GS and beta-catenin immunohistochemistry should be obtained in all cases showing FNH-like morphology, with molecular analysis performed in cases with indeterminate staining pattern.
Focal nodular hyperplasia-like nodule,Chronic hepatic vascular disease,Hepatocellular adenoma,Abernethy malformation,Beta-catenin activation,FNH-like nodule
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