One-Step Discrete Fourier Transform-Based Sinusoid Frequency Estimation under Full-Bandwidth Quasi-Harmonic Interference

Joao Miguel Silva,Marco Antonio Oliveira, Andre Ferraz Saraiva,Anibal J. S. Ferreira


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The estimation of the frequency of sinusoids has been the object of intense research for more than 40 years. Its importance in classical fields such as telecommunications, instrumentation, and medicine has been extended to numerous specific signal processing applications involving, for example, speech, audio, and music processing. In many cases, these applications run in real-time and, thus, require accurate, fast, and low-complexity algorithms. Taking the normalized Cramer-Rao lower bound as a reference, this paper evaluates the relative performance of nine non-iterative discrete Fourier transform-based individual sinusoid frequency estimators when the target sinusoid is affected by full-bandwidth quasi-harmonic interference, in addition to stationary noise. Three levels of the quasi-harmonic interference severity are considered: no harmonic interference, mild harmonic interference, and strong harmonic interference. Moreover, the harmonic interference is amplitude-modulated and frequency-modulated reflecting real-world conditions, e.g., in singing and musical chords. Results are presented for when the Signal-to-Noise Ratio varies between -10 dB and 70 dB, and they reveal that the relative performance of different frequency estimators depends on the SNR and on the selectivity and leakage of the window that is used, but also changes drastically as a function of the severity of the quasi-harmonic interference. In particular, when this interference is strong, the performance curves of the majority of the tested frequency estimators collapse to a few trends around and above 0.4% of the DFT bin width.
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Key words
sinusoid frequency estimation,one-step,transform-based,full-bandwidth,quasi-harmonic
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