Development of an EMR Dashboard to Enable Remote Patient Monitoring and Proactive Diabetes Care


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We developed a pediatric T1D remote patient monitoring (RPM) program, ROCKET T1D (Remote Outreach & Care for Kids’ Empowerment and Technology use in T1D), with the aims of supporting youth at risk for chronic hyperglycemia and DKA and their families to leverage emerging technology, improve self-management habits, and achieve self-care goals to thrive with T1D. The ROCKET T1D program, supported by diabetes educators and social workers, includes a proactive “Launch Phase” with frequent virtual touchpoints for education, psychosocial support, and therapy adjustments, followed by an “Orbit Phase” with a less frequent remote data review and therapy adjustments. Prior to ROCKET T1D go-live, we developed an electronic medical record (EMR)-based diabetes registry with dashboards to enable remote monitoring, visualization of a validated DKA risk score and clinical data (e.g., pump/CGM use, A1C, etc.) to quickly assess clinical progress and facilitate targeted outreach. Patients are added to the ROCKET T1D Registry via the EMR’s “FYI Flag” feature, which allows visualization of progress through the Launch and Orbit Phases in the dashboard (Figure 1). We are actively working on automated integration of CGM data into ROCKET T1D dashboards to enable proactive outreach to patients at highest glycemic risk, with intent to optimize time in range and prevent DKA. Disclosure S.Lyons: None. R.Y.Sonabend: None. D.D.Schwartz: None. K.D.Timmons: None. D.Desalvo: Consultant; Dexcom, Inc., Research Support; Insulet Corporation. Funding The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust (2206-05307)
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emr dashboard,enable remote patient monitoring,proactive diabetes care
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