Explainable B2B Recommender System for Potential Customer Prediction Using KGAT

Gyungah Cho, Pyoung-seop Shim,Jaekwang Kim


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The adoption of recommender systems in business-to-business (B2B) can make the management of companies more efficient. Although the importance of recommendation is increasing with the expansion of B2B e-commerce, not enough studies on B2B recommendations have been conducted. Due to several differences between B2B and business-to-consumer (B2C), the B2B recommender system should be defined differently. This paper presents a new perspective on the explainable B2B recommender system using the knowledge graph attention network for recommendation (KGAT). Unlike traditional recommendation systems that suggest products to consumers, this study focuses on recommending potential buyers to sellers. Additionally, the utilization of the KGAT attention mechanisms enables the provision of explanations for each company's recommendations. The Korea Electronic Taxation System Association provides the Market Transaction Dataset in South Korea, and this research shows how the dataset is utilized in the knowledge graph (KG). The main tasks can be summarized in three points: (i) suggesting the application of an explainable recommender system in B2B for recommending potential customers, (ii) extracting the performance-enhancing features of a knowledge graph, and (iii) enhancing keyword extraction for trading items to improve recommendation performance. We can anticipate providing good insight into the development of the industry via the utilization of the B2B recommendation of potential customer prediction.
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Key words
potential customer,explainable recommendation,knowledge graph,high-order connectivity,NLP
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