Phytochemical constituents, Ethno medicinal properties and Applications of Plant: Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B. Robinson (Lauraceae)

Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology(2021)

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Litsea glutinosa is popular in tropical and subtropical regions around the world such as India, Japan, Taiwan and many parts of China. Litsea glutinosa plant has many important medicinal properties and it is traditionally used for many gastrointestinal ailments and diseases like abdominal pain, indigestion, diarrhea as well as gastroenteritis and diabetes, edema, traumatic injuries colds, arthritis and asthma. Litsea plant is also known for its essential oil, which provides protective action against so many different types of bacteria. This plant has antioxidant and anti-parasitic properties and eliminates acute and genetic toxicity and cytotoxicity, thereby helping to prevent many cancers. This review captures the ethnographic properties, phytochemical components, uses, medicinal applications and health benefits of very important Indian indigenous plant “Litsia glutinosa” and emphasizes in-depth review to highlight the major and enormous potential found in this traditional medicine. Due to non-domestic and dioecious nature of plant immediate attention to the conservation strategies of the plant is required. It aims to provide insights into our Knowledge gaps that are very necessary for this type of medicinal important plants. It can be a very viable approach and in-depth research for the long-term benefits of society.
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