Pollinators or pillagers? What is the impact of flower visitors on the production of yellow passion fruit?


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The passionfruit flower is known for its self-incompatibility and dependence on pollinators; however, the decline of pollinating insects and the greater dependence on artificial pollination in commercial cultivation are evident. Therefore, this research aimed to assess the pollination deficit and the impact of floral visitors on the fruit set of the yellow passion fruit. The study was carried out in the commercial cultivation of yellow passion fruit, variety BRS Gigante Amarelo (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa), located in the municipality of Barra do Choca-BA, from January to June 2021. The bee species were identified at the flowering phase and the pollination deficit was estimated during planting. To assess the influence of floral visitors on fruit formation, two conditions of flower visitation were monitored: free visitation and free visitation without pillagers. Nine species of bees were collected visiting the yellow passion fruit flowers, the most frequent being Trigonisca sp. (70.96%), Xylocopa frontalis (14.53%), Trigona spinipes (8.10%), and Apis mellifera (5.50%). Regarding fruit set, there was no significant difference between manual cross-pollination and free pollination. However, the crop showed a pollination deficit of 16.67% in the fruit set and 28.25% in seed production. For floral visitors considered pillagers, no interference (or negative impact) on the rate of fruit formation was detected.
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flower visitors,yellow passion fruit,pillagers
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