Discursive power dynamics affecting how climate targets are framed and integrated in national transport planning: the case of Sweden

DISCOURSE ANALYSIS IN TRANSPORT AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT: Interpretation, Diversity and Controversy(2023)

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Discursive power dynamics are explored that shape dominant meanings and understandings related to climate mitigation in national transport policy and planning. The research is carried out as a Foucauldian-inspired discourse analysis of policy and planning documents from national transport planning in Sweden, focusing on the recent and ongoing rounds of national transport planning. The meanings, problem definitions and suggestions about possible and reasonable ways forward for climate mitigation are examined within the documentation, with specific attention given to the framing of strategic choices and priorities for the future. Five dominant themes are identified on climate mitigation that permeate the documents from national transport policy and planning. Altogether, the discursive framings and meaning making has led to a situation where deep political issues and strategic choices are being avoided and not dealt with explicitly. The chapter concludes with a brief discussion on the need for a changed practice of transport politics and planning.
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national transport planning,climate targets,discursive power dynamics
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