Developing a Blueprint for Vocational Qualification of Blockchain Specialists Under the European CHAISE Initiative.

Giorina Maratsi, Hanna Schösler,Andreas Riel, Dionysios Solomos,Parisa Ghodous,Raimundas Matulevicius

EuroSPI (1)(2023)

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EU Blockchain strategy acknowledges the disruptive ability of Blockchain technology for trustful data sharing that is based on the common European values of data protection and sustainability. Given the rapid growth of Blockchain application areas, there is a lack of skills supply and educational programs offered in the market that meet demand needs. The establishment of a blueprint that addresses the need for creating harmonized occupational profiles in Blockchain area is among Erasmus + CHAISE project’s goals. Based on both quantitative and qualitative research, this article elaborates on the necessary aspects that need to be incorporated for creating an EU-wide Blockchain blueprint. The need for a holistic skill perspective that bridges technological, managerial, and transversal skills, as well as the involvement of different actors from education, market and accreditation are crucial for the blueprint uptake at EU and national level.
blockchain specialists,vocational qualification,blueprint,developing
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