SJA: Server-driven Joint Adaptation of Loss and Bitrate for Multi-Party Realtime Video Streaming.


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The outbreak of COVID-19 has dramatically promoted the explosive proliferation of multi-party realtime video streaming (MRVS) services, represented by Zoom and Microsoft Teams. Different from Video-on-Demand (VoD) or live streaming, MRVS enables all-to-all realtime video communication, bringing significant challenges to service providing. First, unreliable network transmission can cause network loss, resulting in delay increase and visual quality degradation. Second, the transformation from two-party to multi-party communication makes resource scheduling much more difficult. Moreover, optimizing the overall QoE requires a global coordination, which is quite challenging given the various impact factors such as bitrate and loss.In this paper, we propose the SJA framework, which is, to our best knowledge, the first server-driven joint loss and bitrate adaptation framework in multi-party realtime video streaming services towards maximized QoE. We comprehensively design an appropriate QoE model for MRVS services to capture the interplay among perceptual quality, variations, bitrate mismatch, loss damage, and streaming delay. We mathematically formulate the QoE maximization problem in MRVS services. A Lyapunov-based relaxation and the SJA algorithm are further designed to address the optimization problem with close-to-optimal performance. Evaluations show that our framework can outperform the SOTA solutions by 18.4% ∼ 46.5%.
Multi-party realtime video streaming,Adaptive bitrate control,Forward error correction,Quality of Experience
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