Combining Structured and Unstructured Data using Co-Attention for Car Price Prediction

Giovanni Carvalho, Darniton Viana,Luciano Barbosa, Tsang Ing Ren


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Automatic price appraisal is a relatively new feature in e-commerce sites that aims to help sellers and buyers with price suggestions. To this end, we explore the problem of predicting prices from public online car listings. A listing usually contains the car specification along with a description in the form of unstructured text. We leverage these structured and unstructured information for predicting prices by combining them in a neural network model. Our model has a fully-connected neural branch for handling structured data that learn patterns from the tabular attributes; and another branch that models interactions between the tabular attributes and textual description by employing a co-attention mechanism. The combined outputs of these branches are fed into a regression layer that predicts the car price. The latent representation of the car listings, as mapped by the intermediate layers of the learned model, can be used as a feature set by any regression algorithm to perform car price prediction. This learned feature encodes to a vector the relevant aspects of the car listing, as demonstrated by our experiments. We evaluate our solution in a dataset that was built by scraping multiple car classifieds websites. Our findings show that: (1) our network achieved lower prediction errors than the evaluated regressors using the same input features; (2) by using our learned representation, the regressors surpassed their performance using the original feature mapping; and (3) more competitive algorithms, such as LightGBM and Random Forest, using the raw features, are outperformed by simple linear models using our embeddings.
Neural Networks,Deep Learning,Representation Learning,Tabular Data,Car Price Prediction
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