Key Elements to Create Renewable Energy Communities (REC)

2023 12th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA)(2023)

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The energy transition is constantly evolving and new European energy models are emerging within Smart Grids, called CERs or Renewable Energy Communities, which bring benefits in terms of energy, but above all economic, social and environmental. Fundamental for their realization, as well as the development of Smart Grids, is the implementation of renewable plants, and a series of dedicated energy technologies, devices and software, which allow the monitoring, management and control of energy, through not only the Prosumers, but also the end customers, who, despite not having energy available from renewable sources, want to use it mainly. Another key element is played by energy storage and electric vehicles, which allow to implement VPPs, in this way collective self-consumption systems, through distributed energy generation, represent a step towards the reduction of energy poverty and the implementation of energy efficiency. In fact, the political push given by the Energy Efficiency Directive, on information to consumers and the introduction of smart meters, will represent an added value to the diffusion of intelligent and connected appliances for the smart home, in which energy consumers become active elements, not only if they are also self-producers. Finally, a further key element will be represented by the possibility of exchanging flows of energy and virtual currency, such as RESCoins, through Blockchain technology. With this paper we want to define not only the state of the art of the RECs, but to define the further key points for their concrete use.
Renewable Energy Communities, Prosumers, Smart grid, Smart appliances, RESCoin
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