Preclinical validation of a novel deep learning-based metal artifact correction algorithm for orthopedic CT imaging.

Rui Guo,Yixuan Zou, Shuai Zhang,Jiajia An,Guozhi Zhang,Xiangdong Du,Huan Gong, Sining Xiong, Yangfei Long, Jing Ma

Journal of applied clinical medical physics(2023)

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PURPOSE:To validate a novel deep learning-based metal artifact correction (MAC) algorithm for CT, namely, AI-MAC, in preclinical setting with comparison to conventional MAC and virtual monochromatic imaging (VMI) technique. MATERIALS AND METHODS:An experimental phantom was designed by consecutively inserting two sets of pedicle screws (size Φ 6.5 × 30-mm and Φ 7.5 × 40-mm) into a vertebral specimen to simulate the clinical scenario of metal implantation. The resulting MAC, VMI, and AI-MAC images were compared with respect to the metal-free reference image by subjective scoring, as well as by CT attenuation, image noise, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), and correction accuracy via adaptive segmentation of the paraspinal muscle and vertebral body. RESULTS:The AI-MAC and VMI images showed significantly higher subjective scores than the MAC image (all p < 0.05). The SNRs and CNRs on the AI-MAC image were comparable to the reference (all p > 0.05), whereas those on the VMI were significantly lower (all p < 0.05). The paraspinal muscle segmented on the AI-MAC image was 4.6% and 5.1% more complete to the VMI and MAC images for the Φ 6.5 × 30-mm screws, and 5.0% and 5.1% for the Φ 7.5 × 40-mm screws, respectively. The vertebral body segmented on the VMI was closest to the reference, with only 3.2% and 7.4% overestimation for Φ 6.5 × 30-mm and Φ 7.5 × 40-mm screws, respectively. CONCLUSIONS:Using metal-free reference as the ground truth for comparison, the AI-MAC outperforms VMI in characterizing soft tissue, while VMI is useful in skeletal depiction.
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