Using wasps as a tool to restore a functioning vine grape mycobiota and preserve the mycobial “terroir”

Scientific reports(2023)

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In the last one-hundred years, the exponential expansion of wine making has artificialized the agricultural landscape as well as its microbial diversity, spreading human selected Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains. Evidence showed that social wasps can harbor a significant fraction of the yeast phenotypic diversity of a given area of wine production, allowing different strains to overwinter and mate in their gut. The integrity of the wasp-yeast ecological interaction is of paramount importance to maintain the resilience of microbial populations associated to wine aromatic profiles. In a field experiment, we verified whether Polistes dominula wasps, reared in laboratory and fed with a traceable S. cerevisiae strain, could be a useful tool to drive the controlled yeast dispersion directly on grapes. The demonstration of the biotechnological potential of social insects in organic wine farming lays the foundations for multiple applications including maintenance of microbial biodiversity and rewilding vineyards through the introduction of wasp associated microbiomes.
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Key words
Biodiversity,Microbiome,Science,Humanities and Social Sciences,multidisciplinary
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