Gender Differences in COVID-19 Among Liver Transplant Recipients - Results from a Multicenter Brazilian Cohort

Elaine Cristina Ataide,Eduardo Riccetto,Tercio Genzini,Regina Gomes Santos, Lucio F Pacheco Moreira, Laura Cristina Machado Pinto,Raquel S B Stucchi,Simone Reges Perales,Leticia Zanaga,Renato Ferreira da Silva, Rita C M Ferreira da Silva, Luciana Haddad, Luiz A C D'Albuquerque,Marcio Dias de Almeida,Andre Watanabe, Gustavo S Peixoto, Claudio Moura Lacerda de Melo,Renata Ferreira,Nertan Luiz Tefilli,Marcia Halpern, Maira Silva Godoy, Marcelo Nogara,Jorge Marcelo Padilla Mancero, Huda Maria Noujaim,José Huygens Parente Garcia,Erika Bevilaqua Rangel,Ilka de Fátima Santana Ferreira Boin

Brazilian Journal of Transplantation(2023)

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Introduction: Existing literature presents varying perspectives on the impact of COVID-19 on liver transplant recipients. However, no research has specifically investigated the role of gender differences in the manifestation of COVID-19 among liver transplant recipients. This study aims to examine the effects of COVID-19 on liver transplant recipients, with a focus on gender differences in disease presentation and progression. Methods: Conducted as a multicenter historical cohort study, this research collected patient records through an online questionnaire. Assessing COVID-related mortality was the main objective. Additionally, demographic, clinical, and laboratory data pertaining to disease presentation and progression were collected. Results:The study included a total of 283 patients, of whom 76 were female and 206 were male. The median follow-up period for males was 99 days (IQR 38-283), while for females, it was 126 days (IQR 44-291). A higher prevalence of cardiovascular disease was observed in males (p=0.002). Females frequently experienced a loss of smell (p=0.021), whereas males commonly exhibited fever (p=0.031). Levels of ALT and gamma-glutamyl transferase were significantly elevated in males (p=0.008 and 0.004, respectively). Although there was a trend towards increased mortality in males, it did not reach statistical significance.Conclusion: This study is the first attempt to investigate gender differences in COVID-19 among liver transplant recipients. Our findings highlight the need for a comprehensive and personalised approach to treating this patient population and underscore the importance of further elucidating the disease presentation in these individuals
liver transplant recipients,gender differences,multicenter brazilian cohort
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