Metal-Mediated Ligand Affinity Chemistry (MLAC).

Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)(2024)

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Metal-mediated ligand affinity chemistry (MLAC) enables site-specific protein modification and represents a powerful bioorthogonal strategy. Conventional bioorthogonal methods often involve two steps: (i) incorporation of the bioorthogonal handle (e.g., non-canonical amino acid, enzyme domain, peptide sequences) and (ii) the binding of functional molecules such as drugs, affinity tags, and fluorophores. This two-step protocol often involves genetic manipulation, which makes it impossible to chemically modify endogenous proteins in living systems. Thus, we propose the development of a transition metal-based chemical strategy that is ligand-directed to the endogenous protein of interest in a single step, which we refer to as metal-mediated ligand affinity chemistry (MLAC).
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