
An Overview of the Systematic Evidence on the Adjunctive Use of Laser Therapy in Non-surgical Periodontal Treatment.


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This overview aimed to recapitulate the evidence related to laser application in non-surgical periodontal treatment along with conventional periodontal treatment for optimum clinical practice based on the available systematic reviews (SRs). An advanced literature search in the English language was conducted in the PubMed, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), ScienceDirect, and Scopus databases from January 2000 to October 2022. Two independent reviewers screened all the databases and extracted the data in duplicate. The risk of bias in the selected studies was assessed with the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews 2 (AMSTAR 2) guideline for SRs. Cohen's kappa statistics were performed to assess the level of agreement for the assessment of the risk of bias. A total of 556 studies (PubMed = 115, Scopus = 66, ScienceDirect = 298, and MEDLINE = 77) were identified after the initial search using the keywords from different databases. After removing the duplicates and assessing the full manuscripts, a total of 24 studies were selected based on the inclusion criteria for the current overview. A total of three, four, 12, and five systematic reviews were classified as high, moderate, low, and critically low-quality SRs as per the AMSTAR 2 quality assessment tool. Cohen's Kappa statistics showed perfect (𝛋 =1.000) agreement between the two reviewers. Adjunctive laser therapy along with conventional non-surgical periodontal treatment might be effective in short-term treatment outcomes; however, evidence of long-term effects is still lacking.
laser therapy,treatment,non-surgical
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