The Impact of Active Power Electronics (V2G Charger) to a Represantitive Austrian Electrical Distribution Grid

2023 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST)(2023)

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The high number of active power electronics connected to the electrical distribution grid such as Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) charging stations impacts the behavior and characteristics of electrical distribution grids. Existing grid modelling solutions often do not consider the load side (only high-power loads). In this study the impact of V2G chargers connected to a representative Austrian distribution grid, considering different grid topologies, is therefore analyzed and the study demonstrates the impact of active power electronics on the frequency dependent grid impedance up to 150 kHz and finds that the additional capacitance and inductance (LCL filter, DC capacitor and other such components) introduced to the electrical grid causes parallel and series resonances. Moreover, the study shows that the grid topology and the number of V2G chargers connected determines the frequency range and characteristics of resonances. Consequently, a recommendation of the study would be, to determine the impact of a V2G charging station on the electrical grid, both the supraharmonic emissions of electrical equipment and their impact to the frequency dependent grid impedance need to be considered.
Power Electronics,Grid Impedance,Supraharmonics,Power Quality,V2G charging
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