Unplanned Emergency Department Visits Following Revision Total Joint Arthroplasty: Incidences, Risk Factors, and Mortalities


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Background: The incidence of unplanned emergency department (ED) visits following revision total joint arthroplasty is an indicator of the quality of postoperative care. The aim of this study was to investigate the incidences, timings, and characteristics of ED visits within 90 days after revision total joint arthroplasty. Methods: A retrospective review of 457 consecutive cases, including 254 revision total hip arthroplasty (rTHA) and 203 revision total knee arthroplasty (rTKA) cases, was conducted. Data regarding patient demographics, timings of the ED encounter, chief complaints, readmissions, and diagnoses indicating reoperation were analyzed. Results: The results showed that 41 patients who had rTHA (16.1%) and 14 patients who had rTKA (6.9%) returned to the ED within 90 days postoperatively. The incidence of ED visits was significantly higher in the rTHA group than in the rTKA group (P = .003). The most common surgery -related complications were dislocation among rTHA patients and wound conditions among rTKA patients. Apart from elevated calculated comorbidity scores, peptic ulcer in rTHA patients and cerebral vascular events and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in rTKA patients might increase chances of unplanned ED visits. Patients who had ED visits showed significantly higher mortality rates than the others in both rTHA and rTKA cohorts (P = .050 and P = .008, respectively). Conclusions: The ED visits within 90 days are more common after rTHA than after rTKA. Patients in both ED visit groups after rTHA and rTKA demonstrated worse survival. Efforts should be made to improve quality of care to prevent ED visits. (c) 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
emergency department,revision total hip arthroplasty,revision total knee arthroplasty,revision total joint arthroplasty,complications,mortality
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