Habit-DisHabit Design with a Quadratic Equation: A Better Model of the Hemodynamic Changes in Preschoolers during the Dimension Change Card Sorting Task.

Dandan Wu, Chunqi Chang, Jinfeng Yang, Jiutong Luo, Sha Xie, Hui Li

Children (Basel, Switzerland)(2023)

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General linear modeling (GLM) has been widely employed to estimate the hemodynamic changes observed by functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) technology, which are found to be nonlinear rather than linear, however. Therefore, GLM might not be appropriate for modeling the hemodynamic changes evoked by cognitive processing in developmental neurocognitive studies. There is an urgent need to identify a better statistical model to fit into the nonlinear fNIRS data. This study addressed this need by developing a quadratic equation model to reanalyze the existing fNIRS data ( = 38, = 5.0 years, = 0.69 years, 17 girls) collected from the (DCCS) task and verified the model with a new set of data with the design. First, comparing the quadratic and cubic modeling results of the data indicated that the proposed quadratic equation was better than GLM and cubic regression to model the oxygenated hemoglobin (HbO) changes in this task. Second, applying this quadratic model with the data verified its suitability and indicated that the new design was more effective in identifying the neural correlates of cognitive shifting than the design. These findings jointly indicate that with a quadratic equation might better model the hemodynamic changes in preschoolers during the DCCS task.
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Key words
cognitive shifting,fNIRS evidence,modeling hemodynamic changes,(,) task,preschoolers
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