Trace Amounts of Ranavirus Detected in Common Musk Turtles ( Sternotherus odoratus ) at a Site Where the Pathogen Was Previously Common.

Rachel M Goodman, Henry R Carman, R Paul Mahaffy, Nathan S Cabrera

Animals : an open access journal from MDPI(2023)

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Ranaviruses are global multi-host pathogens that infect ectothermic vertebrates and cause mass mortality events in some species. In 2021-2022, we surveyed two species of aquatic turtles in a Virginia site where previous research found ranavirus in lizards () and turtles ( and ). We sampled tissues from 206 turtles and tested 249 samples (including recaptures) for ranavirus using qPCR. We detected trace amounts of ranavirus DNA in 2.8% of Common Musk Turtles (). We did not detect the virus in Eastern Painted Turtles (). The Ct values from animals carrying ranavirus corresponded to positive controls with a concentration of one copy of ranavirus DNA per microliter and likely reflect DNA in the environment rather than ranavirus infection in turtles. Turtles carrying ranavirus DNA came from only one pond in one year. The amount of ranavirus in our study site, as indicated by tissue samples from turtles, appears to have dropped dramatically since previous research conducted over a decade ago. This study represents the first report of ranavirus detected in and contributes to the scarce literature on longitudinal surveys of ranavirus in wild chelonians. We emphasize the need for large sample sizes and multi-year sampling to detect this pathogen in wild populations.
reptile, disease, pathogen, iridovirus, wildlife disease, Eastern Painted Turtles, Chrysemys picta picta
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