A Survey on Image-text Multimodal Models


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Amidst the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, the convergence of visual and textual information has surfaced as a crucial frontier, leading to the advent of image-text multimodal models. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the evolution and current state of image-text multimodal models, exploring their application value, challenges, and potential research trajectories. Initially, we revisit the basic concepts and developmental milestones of these models, introducing a novel classification that segments their evolution into three distinct phases, based on their time of introduction and subsequent impact on the discipline. Furthermore, based on the tasks' significance and prevalence in the academic landscape, we propose a categorization of the tasks associated with image-text multimodal models into five major types, elucidating the recent progress and key technologies within each category. Despite the remarkable accomplishments of these models, numerous challenges and issues persist. This paper delves into the inherent challenges and limitations of image-text multimodal models, fostering the exploration of prospective research directions. Our objective is to offer an exhaustive overview of the present research landscape of image-text multimodal models and to serve as a valuable reference for future scholarly endeavors. We extend an invitation to the broader community to collaborate in enhancing the image-text multimodal model community, accessible at: \href{https://github.com/i2vec/A-survey-on-image-text-multimodal-models}{https://github.com/i2vec/A-survey-on-image-text-multimodal-models}.
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