Design of Personal Data Protection Decentralized Model Using Blockchain and IPFS

2023 24st Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS)(2023)

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Recently, as the fields that utilize personal information have diversified, digital Identification and security solutions are being provided along with the development of the digital ecosystem. However, the problem of personal information being exposed due to the use of malicious codes and programs with weak security is constantly occurring. In a situation where cases of abuse of sensitive privacy data such as medical data as well as financial damages by unauthorized theft of exposed personal information are spreading, owning and managing your own personal data to solve this important problem A technology that can solve this is attracting attention. In this paper, the history and disadvantages of the identity authentication system used by existing companies and institutions are explained, and the self-sovereign identity card proposed to overcome them is explained. Next, we introduce a decentralized model designed to protect personal information by storing identity information and medical data on individual devices and IPFS with a decentralized structure using blockchain.
Blockchain,Decentralized Identity(DID),Inter-Planetary File System(IPFS),Self-Sovereign(SSI)
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