Carbonyl Migration in Uronates Affords a Potential Prebiotic Pathway for Pentose Production

JACS Au(2023)

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Carbohydrate biosynthesis is fundamental to modern terrestrial biochemistry, but how this collection of metabolic pathways originated remains an open question. Prebiotic sugar synthesis has focused primarily on the formose reaction and Kiliani-Fischer homologation; however, how they can transition to extant biochemical pathways has not been studied. Herein, a nonenzymatic pathway for pentose production with similar chemical transformations as those of the pentose phosphate pathway is demonstrated. Starting from a C6 aldonate, namely, gluconate, nonselective chemical oxidation yields a mixture of 2-oxo-, 4-oxo-, 5-oxo-, and 6-oxo-uronate regioisomers. Regardless at which carbinol the oxidation takes place, carbonyl migration enables β-decarboxylation to yield pentoses. In comparison, the pentose phosphate pathway selectively oxidizes 6-phosphogluconate to afford the 3-oxo-uronate derivative, which undergoes facile subsequent β-decarboxylation and carbonyl migration to afford ribose 5-phosphate. The similarities between these two pathways and the potential implications for prebiotic chemistry and protometabolism are discussed.
aldonate, beta-decarboxylation, Fenton reaction, nonenzymatic oxidation, pentose phosphate pathway, prebiotic sugar synthesis, protometabolism, origins of life, Kiliani-Fischer homologation, glyoxylose reaction
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