Microplastic in mangroves: A worldwide review of contamination in biotic and abiotic matrices.

Dayene Santiago Mendes,Colin Robert Beasley, Daniel Nobre Nunes Silva,Marcus Emanuel Barroncas Fernandes

Marine pollution bulletin(2023)

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This review presents the spatial distribution (where) and the methods applied (how) in assessing Microplastics (MPs) contamination in sediments, water, and organisms in mangrove areas. We analyzed 53 articles on MPs in Asia, America, and Africa and produced by 359 authors, although very localized, lacking wide-scale coverage of mangrove coasts around the world. The results showed that most of studies provided MP's bulk characteristics (type, size, color, form), along with global gross reserves of MPs in the mangrove compartments. Investigations in mangrove areas are still relatively limited. Therefore, for future research, it is relevant to enhance spatial and temporal sampling of MP contamination and to establish standardized protocols to enable effective comparisons between mangrove areas, rivers, beaches, and coastal seas. In addition, it is crucial to investigate the role of MPs as carriers or vectors of other pollutants.
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