Simulation of Multiscale Microwave Circuit via a Mixed Order Finite Element Time Domain Method Combined with Domain Decomposition Algorithm

Lei Du,Ting Wan

2023 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium (ACES-China)(2023)

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In this paper, a mixed order finite element time domain (FETD) method combined with domain decomposition (DD) algorithm is introduced. The hierarchical function is utilized since it allows the use of different orders within the same computational domain. Under the uniform mesh generation, the high order basis functions H 1 are used in fine structures and the low order basis functions H 0 are used in conventional structure. By means of the mixed order vector function, the accuracy and ability of FETD simulation of multiscale EM problems are improved. Meanwhile, combined with nonoverlapping tearing and interconnecting algorithm, the ill-conditioned large sparse linear systems obtained by the higher order hierarchical vector can be solved with direct solvers. Therefore, the memory requirement and the computation complexity have been reduced. The electromagnetic characteristics of multiscale microwave passive device is simulated and analyzed by the proposed method.
Finite element time domain (FETD) method,domain decomposition (DD) algorithm,mixed order hierarchical function,multiscale EM structures,nonoverlapping tearing and interconnecting algorithm
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