Evaluation of Cleaning and Disinfection with Fluorescent Marking in Intensive Care Units and Importance of Cross-Monitoring

Flora Infeksiyon Hastalıkları ve Klinik Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi(2023)

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Introduction: The aim of this study is to emphasize the importance of monitoring the cleaning and disinfection process and, cross-audits in intensive care units (ICU). Materials and Methods: Cleaning and disinfection monitorization results were evaluated between January and June 2021. The reported rates of cleaning of the surfaces which was monitored by head nurses of the wards and housekeeping supervisors by using fluorescent marker were compared. Results: The results were evaluated in two quarters as; January-March 2021 and April-June 2021. In the first quarter, there was a significant difference between the housekeeping supervisors and the head nurses in the ratio of the area determined as completely clean. The attention of the housekeeping supervisors was drawn to the problems reported through the head nurses. Assessment rates of the two groups became closer in the second quarter compared to the previous quarter. Also, the rate of the area evaluated as completely clean by both groups increased significantly in the second period (p< 0.001). Conclusion: As a result of our study, cross-monitoring increased the awareness of housekeeping supervisors resulting with more appropriate assessments. It is believed that the these results will provide reducing the infection rates caused by multi-drug resistant microorganisms in risky units like ICUs.
fluorescent marking,disinfection,intensive care units,cleaning,cross-monitoring
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