Next POI Recommendation Based on Spatial and Temporal Disentanglement Representation

2023 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS)(2023)

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The next Point-of-interest (POI) recommendation task is to predict the next POI that users may be interested in. POI check-in sequence implicitly reflects the user’s location transition patterns, and the sequence modeling relies on the engineering of multiple independent features. Even though traditional POI recommendation models can fulfill the predicting task via entangled features, those black box models fail to mine the intrinsic check-in intention. The disentanglement representation learning method enables models to disentangle targeting intentions and provide interpretability for recommended results. However, existing disentanglement representation studies focus on disentangling user preference but neglect the entangled location characteristic. Besides, unrecorded check-ins result in inconsecutive transition sequences, which may influence their disentanglement qualities. Therefore, we proposed CrossDR, a Cross-sequence Location Disentanglement Representation method for the next POI recommendation, to explore how spatial and temporal factors influence check-in behaviors by a global view of location transitions. We apply disentanglement learning along with the time-masked data augmentation method and frequency-domain learning technique to further alleviate the short trajectory cold start problem caused by consecutive sequence generation. Experiments on two real-world datasets show our model has competitive capability compared to strong baselines.
POI recommendation,disentangled representation,graph neural network,cold start,sequential recommendation
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