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A tight lower bound on non-adaptive group testing estimation


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Efficiently counting or detecting defective items is a crucial task in various fields ranging from biological testing to quality control to streaming algorithms. The group testing estimation problem concerns estimating the number of defective elements $d$ in a collection of $n$ total within a fixed factor. We primarily consider the classical query model, in which a query reveals whether the selected group of elements contains a defective one. We show that any non-adaptive randomized algorithm that estimates the value of $d$ within a constant factor requires $\Omega(\log n)$ queries. This confirms that a known $O(\log n)$ upper bound by Bshouty (2019) is tight and resolves a conjecture by Damaschke and Sheikh Muhammad (2010). Additionally, we prove a similar lower bound in the threshold query model.
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Key words
testing,estimation,group,lower bound,non-adaptive
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