CXADR-Like Membrane Protein Regulates Colonic Epithelial Cell Proliferation and Prevents Tumor Growth


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: CXADR-like membrane protein (CLMP) is structurally related to coxsackie and adenovirus receptor. Pathogenic variants in CLMP gene have been associated with congenital short bowel syndrome, implying a role for CLMP in intestinal development. However, the contribution of CLMP to regulating gut development and homeostasis is unknown. METHODS: In this study, we investigated CLMP function in the colonic epithelium using complementary in vivo and in vitro approaches, including mice with inducible intestinal epithelial cell (IEC)-specific deletion of CLMP (ClmpDIEC), intestinal organoids, IECs with overexpression, or loss of CLMP and RNA sequencing data from individuals with colorectal cancer. RESULTS: Loss of CLMP enhanced IEC proliferation and, conversely, CLMP overexpression reduced proliferation. Xenograft experiments revealed increased tumor growth in mice implanted with CLMP-deficient colonic tumor cells, and poor engraftment was observed with CLMP-overexpressing cells. ClmpDIEC mice showed exacerbated tumor burden in an azoxymethane and dextran sulfate sodium-induced colonic tumorigenesis model, and CLMP expression was reduced in human colorectal cancer samples. Mechanistic studies revealed that CLMP-dependent regulation of IEC proliferation is linked to signaling through mTOR-Akt-b-catenin pathways. CONCLUSIONS: These results reveal novel insights into CLMP function in the colonic epithelium, highlighting an important role in regulating IEC proliferation, suggesting tumor supin
CAR-Like Membrane Protein,Cell Proliferation,Colorectal Cancer,mTOR/Akt/b-Catenin Pathway
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