Consolidating Compression and Revisiting Expansion: an Alternative Amplification Rule for Wide Dynamic Range Compression

2023 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA)(2023)

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The fitting process of modern compression hearing aids is becoming increasingly more complex as the processing capabilities of modern hearing aid devices continue to grow. However, a simplification of hearing aid parameters would enable more accessible user customization of a hearing aid, which is especially applicable in the growing field of over-the-counter devices. This work presents an alternative to the conventional compression input/output curve which consolidates numerous parameters while retaining equivalent performance, and revisits the concept of expansion in compression devices. The consolidated amplification rule is a continuous function without knee points, controlled by two parameters – gain and compression ratio. Experimental results have shown that the expansion properties of the function reduce amplification of low-level ambient noise by up to 4 dB, and improves signal-to-noise ratio by up to 1 dB (25%) in moderate noise conditions.
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Wide dynamic range compression,over-the-counter hearing aids,self fitting,expansion,open source
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