Vision-Based Monitoring (VBM) for Plant Quality and Control System

Jun En Jeff Fong,Fei Siang Tay,Yi Lung Then

2023 9th International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering (ICCCE)(2023)

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This research paper designs and implements a prototype of VBM system by using a line follower robot car for indoor hydroponic plant monitoring. The proposed robot car was using line following IR sensors to follow the track line. The robot car controlled by Arduino Mega 2560. The robot is connected to Raspberry Pi for image processing purpose. The image processing can be archived by implementing the object surface area measurement method. The python module OpenCV, Numpy, matlabplt, glob, docx and OS were involved for image preprocessing and surface area calculation respectively. Hence, a document in pdf format will generate and send to the NAS system through WiFi. In fact, more actions can be taken as saved the result in PDF format as other workers able to view the entire results, taking some actions for example add on comments, signing and recording. Therefore, the document copy on board will be deleted to reduce occupied memory resources. The NAS system was builded by Raspberry Pi and a hard disk. It is connected to router via ethernet cable to gain stable internet connections. After that, the workers can link the NAS folder and have review on their desktop remotely.
Crops,Image processing,Plant growth,Vision based monitoring
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