Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection Via Neural Process

IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(2023)

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Many deep (semi-) supervised neural network-based methods have been proposed for anomaly detection, tackling the issue of limited labeled data. They have shown good performance but still face two major challenges. First, insufficient labeled data limits their flexibility. Second, measuring the uncertainty of the prediction, especially when dealing with objects deviating largely from training data, has not been well studied. Another common reason preventing them from prevailing is that they learn a determined function to make predictions from the input. This usually makes the predicted results uncertain and lacks robustness. To address these problems, we propose a novel framework, incorporating the neural process into the semi-supervised anomaly detection paradigm and efficiently using unlabeled data and a handful of labeled data in training. Different from other methods, ours is equivalent to modeling the distribution of functions representing anomalous patterns according to the labeled data rather than learning a single determined function for anomaly detection. Our approach improves the flexibility and robustness under the condition of insufficient training data, and can measure the uncertainty of prediction results. Extensive experiments under real-world datasets demonstrate that our proposed method can significantly improve anomaly detection performance compared to several cutting-edge benchmarks.
Anomaly detection, neural networks, neural process, probabilistic models, semi-supervised learning
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