Interactions of Essential Oil Components to Their Payloads in Supramolecular Particulate Carriers of Cyclodextrin Metal-Organic Frameworks.

Journal of oleo science(2023)

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Essential oil (EO) is widely used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, agriculture, and food industries because of its aromatic, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties. However, the weak interactions caused by small contact area with various substrates pose significant challenges to experimental detection and molecular simulation. In this study, the main components and contents of compound essential oil (CEO) were determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and gas chromatography (GC), respectively. As a result, 11 components were screened out from CEO and their contents were measured. And synthetic essential oil (SEO) was deployed as a simplified CEO model for subsequent research according to the above result. In addition, a porous cyclodextrin metal-organic framework (CD-MOF) was used to load SEO, and the detailed process of experimental determination and molecular simulation prediction of the content of volatile oil components in CD-MOF was shown. The results of experiments and molecular simulations have consistently proved that CD-MOF had a selective absorption effect on SEO components. Furthermore, the interaction mechanism and release characteristics of these components in CD-MOF were investigated. The results of the release kinetics analysis provided references for the identification of the diffusion type of each component. In conclusion, the strategies established in this article provide ideas for the experimental detection and molecular simulation of multi-component competitive existence in carriers under weak interactions.
supramolecular particulate carriers,essential oil components,essential oil,metal-organic
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