A Deep Dive into Sleep: Single-Channel EEG-Based Sleep Stage Classification with Model Interpretability


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Sleep, a fundamental physiological process, occupies a significant portion of our lives. Accurate classification of sleep stages serves as a crucial tool for evaluating sleep quality and identifying probable sleep disorders. This work introduces a novel methodology that utilises a SE-Resnet-Bi-LSTM architecture to classify sleep into five separate stages. The classification process is based on the analysis of single-channel electroencephalograms (EEGs). The framework that has been suggested consists of two fundamental elements: a feature extractor that utilises SE-ResNet, and a temporal context encoder that use stacks of Bi-LSTM units.The effectiveness of our approach is substantiated by thorough assessments conducted on three different datasets, namely SLeepEDF-20, SleepEDF-78, and SHHS. Significantly, our methodology attains notable levels of accuracy, specifically 87.5\%, 83.9\%, and 87.8\%, along with macro-F1 scores of 82.5, 78.9, and 81.9 for the corresponding datasets. Notably, we introduce the utilization of 1D-GradCAM visualization to shed light on the decision-making process of our model in the realm of sleep stage classification. This visualization method not only provides valuable insights into the model's classification rationale but also aligns its outcomes with the annotations made by sleep experts. One notable feature of our research is the integration of an expedited training approach, which effectively preserves the model's resilience in terms of performance. The experimental evaluations conducted provide a comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness of our proposed model in comparison to existing approaches, highlighting its potential for practical applications.
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