Rayless goldenrod (Isocoma pluriflora) poisoning in chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus)


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Rayless goldenrod (Isocoma spp.) and white snakeroot (Ageratina altissima) poison livestock, wildlife and humans. The suggested toxin for both plants is tremetone, a mixture of benzofuran ketones. However, plant tremetone concentrations often do not correlate with poisoning, and they have not been identified in contaminated milk that poisons nursing neonates. This suggests there may be unidentified metabolites or toxins. Previous studies using various cell culture and large animal models have been inconsistent with varying animal response that often require large doses. The objective of this work is to document the toxicity of rayless goldenrod in California white leghorn chicks, a susceptible small animal model, that would require relatively small amounts of plant material or purified toxins. Four groups of 15 chicks were gavaged with finely ground I. pluriflora at rates of 0, 1%, 2% or 3% of their bodyweight per day for 7 days. After 7 exposure days the chicks were euthanized, nec-ropsied and tissues were collected, fixed and examined microscopically. Myocyte damage was evaluated using clinical signs, weight gain, serum biochemical changes, and histologic lesions and scores. The 3% group had focally extensive myocyte degeneration and necrosis most severely affecting leg muscles (semitendinosus, ilio-tibialis, peroneus longus and gastrocnemius). This was supported by serum biochemical changes and reduced weight gains. These findings indicate young chicks are a sensitive model of toxicity that may be useful to better identify the rayless goldenrod and white snakeroot toxins, including those unidentified toxins of transmammary poisoning.
Rayless goldenrod,Isocoma pluriflora,Tremetone,Benzofuran ketones,White snakeroot,Ageratina altissima
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