Dynamic Spectrum Mixer for Visual Recognition


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Recently, MLP-based vision backbones have achieved promising performance in several visual recognition tasks. However, the existing MLP-based methods directly aggregate tokens with static weights, leaving the adaptability to different images untouched. Moreover, Recent research demonstrates that MLP-Transformer is great at creating long-range dependencies but ineffective at catching high frequencies that primarily transmit local information, which prevents it from applying to the downstream dense prediction tasks, such as semantic segmentation. To address these challenges, we propose a content-adaptive yet computationally efficient structure, dubbed Dynamic Spectrum Mixer (DSM). The DSM represents token interactions in the frequency domain by employing the Discrete Cosine Transform, which can learn long-term spatial dependencies with log-linear complexity. Furthermore, a dynamic spectrum weight generation layer is proposed as the spectrum bands selector, which could emphasize the informative frequency bands while diminishing others. To this end, the technique can efficiently learn detailed features from visual input that contains both high- and low-frequency information. Extensive experiments show that DSM is a powerful and adaptable backbone for a range of visual recognition tasks. Particularly, DSM outperforms previous transformer-based and MLP-based models, on image classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation tasks, such as 83.8 \% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet, and 49.9 \% mIoU on ADE20K.
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