Evaluating the Quality of Service of the DNS Root Server From the Service Scope

2023 International Conference on Mobile Internet, Cloud Computing and Information Security (MICCIS)(2023)

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As one of the most significant Internet infrastructures, the domain name system is vital to provide a reliable operation. The root server is primarily in charge of resolving top-level domain names. There are only 13 root servers in existence right now. For purpose of enhancing resolution efficiency and service quality, the root server deploys a large number of root image nodes in the world using anycast technology. Through using different operator detection points in different provinces in China, we actively requested the NS records of TLDS from 13 root servers. According to the obtained data, we evaluated the 13 root servers’s service scope, and finally found that K root had the best service scope and the largest number of requests. At the same time, we examine the elements that influence the root server's services quality and discover that the root image's deployment type, routing rotation, and enterprise routing announcement are the primary influencing factors.
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root server,DNS,service quality
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