Enhancement of Ar Ion Flux on the Substrate by Heterogeneous Charge Transfer Collision of Ar Atom with He Ion in an Inductively Coupled Ar/He Plasma.


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The understanding of ion dynamics in plasma applications has received significant attention. In this study, we examined these effects between He and Ar species, focusing on the Ar ion flux on the substrate. To control heterogeneous collisions, we varied the He addition rate at fixed chamber pressure and the chamber pressure at fixed Ar/He ratio in an inductively coupled Ar/He plasma source. Throughout the experiments, we maintained an electron density in the bulk plasma and plasma potential as a constant value by adjusting the RF power and applying an additional DC bias to eliminate any disturbances caused by the plasma. Our findings revealed that the addition of He enhances the Ar ion flux, despite a decrease in the Ar ion density at the plasma-sheath boundary due to the presence of He ions. Moreover, we found that this enhancement becomes more prominent with increasing pressure at a fixed He addition rate. These results suggest that the heterogeneous charge transfer collision between Ar atoms and He ions in the sheath region creates additional Ar ions, ultimately leading to an increased Ar ion flux on the substrate. This finding highlights the potential of utilizing heterogeneous charge transfer collisions to enhance ion flux in plasma processing, without the employment of additional equipment.
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Key words
ion flux,ion energy distribution function,He addition,charge transfer collision,heterogeneous charge transfer collision
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